
FAQ - frequently asked questions

Program doesn't want to start - error message appears
If you see error message with text about wrong initialization of application (0xc0000135), it is possible that you don't have installed .NET framework on your computer. You can test it with Internet explorer 6.0 or higher on this web page: .

After download of first map all buttons stays disabled
This is a limitation of unregistered version. You must close program and run it again - but then you must search again your favorite location. Better is to register GoogleOzi and then you get registration number for unlimited number of downloads.

Instead of a map i see only picture with sign of blurred camera
This sign is shown if there is missing a map on the server or there is a problem to connect with server - timeout or some error message should appear in this case. You can simply do a right click to return back to previous resolution.

What are numbers in the bottom of a window?
There is a status text part below map. There are shown informations about a map during browsing or amount of downloaded bytes during saving map. There are GPS coordinates for the centre of current map view and current resolution of map in meters per pixel. Width or height of a map is 512 times current resolution in meters. For example in resolution 31.0 m/px you can see (31 x 512 = 15872) 15.8 km of the land.

What is saving in tiff file good for?
If you save map in jpeg format, you will have a relatively small file size. If you plan to do a postprocessing on saved images it is good to save them as tiff file, because there is used lossless compression - without degradation of quality. Downloading time doesn't depend on selected file type, images are downloaded in jpeg format and also with google watermark - this can't be changed even if tiff file is saved, but instead of saving in jpeg format no additional compression quality loss is achieved.

Program doesn't want to connect to Google server
One of possible problems can be that you have running GoogleOzi.exe from network share folder. You must copy it to local hard drive because of .net privileges to make internet connection.

How can I select only small part of map?
It is possible to select some area on map by mouse. Press left mouse button in one corner of your area, move to other corner and then release button. Selected area will be seen as a rectangle. Map will be saved only for this rectangle. To remove selection just click into map (zoom it).

Why there are high resolutions available when full image can't be saved?
Those last two high resolutions can be used when small region is selected and map must be saved in high resolution. If selected region is small enough, final image can be saved because it's size can fit in memory. Full map without selection can't fit into computer memory, if size is >8192. This is depends on configuration of your computer.

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